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Company signed Agreement with University of Arizona for non-opioid treatment of post-operative pain

Delaware – February 2021, iQure Pharma Inc. (iQure), a company dedicated to the development of novel therapeutics in the area of pain management, entered into a Patent Option Agreement to evaluate a University of Arizona technology for novel non-opioid treatment aiming to replace opioid treatments for post-operative pain.

University researchers, led by professor of chemistry and biochemistry Robin Polt, Ph.D., and with significant contributions from John Streicher, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacology and neuroscience, have developed a series of potent oxytocin analogues. Initial results show the technology’s potential for pain management in treating post-operative pain, lower back pain as well as pain experienced under PTSD-like conditions. Under the agreement, iQure Pharma has the right to exercise the option, followed by a negotiation period to complete the license.

iQure worked with Tech Launch Arizona, the office of the University of Arizona that commercializes inventions stemming from university research and innovation, to execute the option.

Pawel Zolnierczyk, Chief Executive Officer:

We are extremely excited about this technology, its potential and unique prospect for becoming a non-opioid alternative to morphine or fentanyl, which we all know is fuelling the opioid crisis here in the US. Moreover, we would like to thank the University, the inventors and the Tech Launch Arizona team for their welcoming spirit of collaboration by agreeing to partner with us.

This opportunity for academia and industry to collaborate at such an early stage in the process, increases the chances of clinical and commercial success for this novel therapeutic. We know that patients and clinicians are desperate for novel treatment options to use as alternatives to potent opioids. At iQure Pharma, we are looking forward to working closely with the University and its researchers in the spirit of true global cooperation.

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